Move past your past.

Depression Therapy

Are you tired of feeling sad, unmotivated and hopeless most of the time?

It’s like you don’t see anything positive

  • Maybe you are struggling to keep up with day-to-day activities due to lack of energy.

  • Or perhaps you have been tired and overwhelmed by dwelling on the past, feeling “not good enough” or worthy of meaningful relationships.

  • You may have lost self-confidence and hope in pursuing the goals you set out for yourself and all you can see is how others succeed, and you are left behind.

  • Maybe you have started engaging in self-sabotaging behaviors to numb your emotional pain.

  • You fear that feeling of sadness and depressed mood may not go away.

You feel sad and do not see a way to get out of this funk.

Does this sound like you?

Struggling with completing day-to-day activities

Tired of feeling like you can’t catch a break

Ready to stop feeling sad and hopeless

Wishing that things were different

Here’s what we’ll do together

Therapy can help with healing and recovery from depression to live a fulfilling and meaningful life.

Managing depression and challenging emotions can seem overwhelming, but you're not alone. Together, we'll develop healthier coping strategies to improve your well-being.

  • First we'll explore the root causes of your symptoms and challenges, including past experiences and relationships to help you gain insight into underlying issues.

  • Then we'll explore a range of therapeutic techniques and tools that are tailored to your unique needs and preferences. These may include cognitive-behavioral strategies, mindfulness practices, relaxation techniques, and more. Together, we'll identify practical strategies to help you integrate these techniques into your daily life.

This practical approach will help you reduce the impact of depression and see tangible results over time. I will be here to provide guidance, support, and encouragement every step of the way.

At the end of the day, I want you to know:

Past experiences don’t have to continue holding you back. Discover the strength that is already within you.

What we’ll work on

Imagine a life where…

  • Your relationships feel aligned with your values.

  • Completing day-to-day activities doesn’t feel like a struggle.

  • You’re connected to yourself and feel hopeful.

  • You acknowledge that it's okay to struggle and that you deserve support and understanding.

  • You no longer feel defined by your struggles or limited by your past experiences.

Discover the strength that is already within you.

Discover the strength that is already within you.



  • Typically, we'll meet weekly or biweekly for 45-minute sessions.

    All sessions are conducted online via a HIPAA-compliant platform, ensuring accessibility, convenience, and flexibility for you.

    This virtual format allows us to connect securely from the comfort of your own space, eliminating the need for travel time and accommodating your busy schedule more easily.

  • Therapy is a journey, and progress often unfolds gradually over time. While there's no one-size-fits-all guarantee that therapy will work for everyone, establishing a strong therapeutic alliance between us is the foundation of our collaboration.

    The first step towards determining if we're the right fit is asking questions. It's essential for you to feel comfortable and confident in our partnership. Feel free to inquire about my approach, background, or anything else that matters to you.

  • Sessions are $170. Payment is due at the time of service.

  • Please note that I currently do not accept insurance and operate as an out-of-network provider. Before beginning services, I recommend checking with your insurance provider, as many offer reimbursement for mental health services. I'm happy to provide a Superbill with all necessary information for you to submit to your insurance company for potential reimbursement

    Here are the questions you can ask your insurance provider:

    1. Do I have out-of-network mental health benefits?

    2. What is my annual deductible, and have I met it?

    3. What percentage of out-of-network psychotherapy sessions do you cover?

  • To ensure smooth scheduling and respect for everyone's time, please note that a minimum of 24-hour notice is required for session cancellations or rescheduling. If you cancel or reschedule a session with less than 24-hour notice, the full session fee will be incurred.

  • Patrycja Szymczak Psychotherapy & Coaching is not intended for emergencies or 24-hour assistance. In case of a mental health emergency, please call or text the crisis line at 988. For other emergencies, please dial 911 or visit the nearest hospital emergency room.

  • Please Click this link to schedule your complimentary 20-minute consultation and determine if I'm the right fit for you.